世界衛生組織本月中旬發佈將「國際疾病分類(ICD – 11)病名電玩行為失調症(Gaming Disorder)正式列入草案當中。因此世界有許多診所為了因應這些狀況,已經開始不少機構提供治療服務,而近日根據英國太陽報導指出,英國國民醫療服務體系(NHS)即將開設首家專注「網路成癮」治療中心,除了致力治療、研究之外,同時向家庭提供建議一同幫助病患。該治療中心創辦人 Henrietta Bowden-Jones 說:「我們無法預期網路成癮是否造成青少年流行病,但網路成癮中心卻會協助一個人來改變生活。」


世界衛生組織先前的納入決定受到一些人的肯定,但也有其他人認為這樣的舉動並不成熟,目前有一些私人醫院正在接受治療,但卻沒有一家完全提供免費的治療中心。對此,Henrietta Bowden-Jones 表示:「到目前為止,網路成癮者每周治療的資金已經確定,如果要解決最終的資金障礙,就是把 NHS 研究輔助金與慈善資源來完全提供剩下金額。其實使用篩選工具來確定網路成癮的問題,標準並非一致性,未來世界衛生組織需要制定美一個人都可以使用的全球工具,透過這樣方式 1 至 2 年之間進行流行率調查,才能夠獲得真實的病患數據。laennec

The World Health Organization released the International Classification of Diseases (ICD – 11) disease name Gaming Disorder in the middle of this month. Therefore, many clinics around the world have begun to provide treatment services to many institutions in response to these conditions. According to the British Sun Report, the National Health Service (NHS) is about to open its first Internet-based addiction treatment center. In addition to its efforts in treatment and research, it also provides advice to families to help patients. Henrietta Bowden-Jones, founder of the treatment center, said: "We can't predict whether Internet addiction will cause adolescent epidemics, but Internet addiction centers will help a person to change their lives."

Related news: Addicted is really sick! WHO lists "video addiction" as a mental illness

The previous WHO decision on inclusion was affirmed by some people, but others believe that such a move is not mature. There are some private hospitals currently undergoing treatment, but none of them fully provide free treatment centers. In this regard, Henrietta Bowden-Jones said: "So far, the funds for weekly treatment of Internet addicts have been determined. If the final financial obstacles are to be resolved, the NHS research grants and charitable resources will be used to fully provide the remaining amount. In fact, using screening tools to determine the problem of Internet addiction, the standard is not consistent. In the future, the World Health Organization needs to develop a global tool that can be used by one person in the United States. Only by conducting a prevalence survey between 1 and 2 years in this way can we Get real patient data."

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